Wednesday, July 8, 2009


What is it with people and marriage lately? I swear that everywhere I look people seem to have their hate on for the topic. I can't count the amount of times I've heard lately, "Marriage ruins your life", "Don't get married, don't have kids, it's a waste of time and money" etc etc etc. Screw off people and leave my happy fantasy alone.

I, Anne Kathleen Suttie, want to get married someday. And likely or not it will be a lot sooner than when you (marriage hater) want me to. I still believe that marriage is love and love leads to joy and although there will indefinitely be hard times, the good times will overshadow the bad ones. I still believe that marriage is a blessing and a sacred union between two people who God has placed together for a purpose. What could be more exciting than that? What could be more exciting than having someone to spend the rest of your life with? Someone to love you until death do you part, someone to share the load and encourage you, someone for you to encourage? I'm not jaded like you people seem to be.

Sure, you say that I can't possibly have a valid opinion as I have never been married before. But I've seen marriages that are proof of everything I have stated above even if yours isn't.

So please, the next time you decide to tell me that marriage is a curse, a joke, and a waste of time, bite your tongue. I don't want to hear it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Post number 100

I've decided that at one point in my life I would like to make a hugely rash decision.

Maybe I'll sell all of my worldly possessions and move to Africa to save the children. Maybe I'll quit school, get married, and have 25 kids. Maybe I'll sell my soul to rock and roll. Maybe I'll meet James Bond, throw my morals out the window and live in heavenly sin for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll join a convent and have a chastity belt glued to me for eternity.

Who knows.

But I would like to do something exciting, something that scares me and makes me feel more alive. Something completely unpredictable. Keep them talking, you know.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Slowly I've learned

Slowly I've learned

I've learned that growing up doesn't mean having the maturity to hold a 9-5 job
I've learned that being unique isn't something to be ashamed of
I've learned that really loving someone means accepting them for everything they are

Slowly I am learning

I'm learning that each moment is a precious gift from God and should be treated as such
I'm learning that being apart is a blessing because it shows me my capacity to love
I'm learning that I will never ever never stop learning.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Two months.
Two months.
Two months.

I count the days at least 200 times a day.
My mantra.

Two months.
Two months.
Two months.
Two months.

I have never missed someone this much in my life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A different day I would've entertained you

I had this extensive metaphor the other day about how finding a husband was like bargain shopping. I worked out every little detail in my head and compartmentalized it for a later blogging date.

And now I'm too tired to type it all out. Too bad. You can be assured that it was damn good though.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

You bring the cup and I'll bring the moonshine

I'm not sure if I like my job or not. It makes me feel lonely. I don't miss camp. I really don't. But I miss having people around who care about me at my work place. I work in an office now and it's so different. The focus is so different. What is number one priority at camp; relationships, is number 10,567 at my work. Number one is performance. Stress from lack of performance leads to drama and drama leads to gossip. It's not abnormal to hear people whispering about other people around my office. It's lame. Lame lame lame and I don't like it. Is this what most offices are like?

On the other side of the mountain, I am enjoying spending the majority of my off time with my family. I'll visit my grandma lots this summer. I'm slowly realizing how important her grandchildren are to her. And my parents continually amaze me. I don't know why. Maybe I've come out of the 'my parents are embarrassing' stage to the 'my parents are quirky but generous and kind people' stage. It's a strange feeling. Life changing, really.

And yet again I have managed to leave my glasses at someone else's house. Someone at Canada Post is making a fortune off of me this summer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just sitting here praying

I never thought that I would wind up sitting on my floor praying for something as silly as cell phone service. But on the floor I am, and that's what I'm doing. My best friend and the love of my life is in Prince George in the bush for the next 3 and a half months and I don't know what to do with myself other than pray for cell phone service so that I can have a blessed phone conversation with him every night. My life feels slightly empty although I've tried as hard as I can to incorporate him into my every day experience. I have three of his shirts in my closet in a pile so that I can wear them when I need a snuggle, I have pictures of us up all over my room, and I've already started accumulating things for care parcels. However there still remains a lump in my throat the size of the Hoover Dam and there aren't enough chores in the world to keep me occupied through a summer of free time.

'Distance makes the heart grow stronger'. 'You'll appreciate each other more when you've had some time off'. From this point on I solemnly swear to never use these sentences in a serious situation again.